Tara Martinez

I will be bringing

Cuttings from:

Bougainvillea – Deep Pink

Mandevilla Vine – Hot Pink

Texas Star Hibiscus


Red Salvia

Chili Pequin (if not enough healthy cutting then seeds from harvested peppers)

Seeds from:

Various NON-GMO Vegetables and Herbs


I am looking for seeds, cuttings or rooted plants of:

Passion Vine

October Rose

Cranberry Hibiscus

Angel’s Trumpet

Ixora Shrub (Preference Red/Orange)

I am open to other plants that do well in Texas and are colorful. I love vines and would like to find one to grow over my brick wall which is surrounded by crepe myrtles so they get a lot of shade and some sun, and also one to cover my mailbox post which gets full all day sun.

Contact Tara at: TMartinez@petro-amigos.com


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