Starter Plants

468true thumbnails under 350true true 800
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    Confederate Rose
    Confederate Rose
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    Cranberry Hibiscus
    Cranberry Hibiscus
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    Cassia Tree
    Cassia Tree
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    Cassia Tree
    Cassia Tree
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    Hyacinth Bean Vine Bloom
    Hyacinth Bean Vine Bloom (Purple Bean)
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    Hyacinth Bean Vine (Purple Bean)
    Hyacinth Bean Vine (Purple Bean)
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    October Rose
    October Rose
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    Morning Glory Tree
    Morning Glory Tree
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    Candle Stick Plant
    Candle Stick Plant
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    Datura - Devil's Trumpet
    Datura - Poisonous if eaten by children or pets
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    Datura - Devil's Trumpet
    Datura - Triple (Purple & White) Poisonous if eaten by children or pets.
  • 5000 random true 60 bottom 0
    Pride of Barbados
    Pride of Barbados (Grown from seed)

Two starter plants (seedlings) will be given to each registered Swapper at check-in time.  The plants will be in 4″ pots and grown from seeds.

Starter plants (seedlings) will not be reserved; there will be several of each.  Register now and let your preference be known before time to plant the seeds.  The number planted will be partially based on the number of registered Swappers.

All are fast growers and most will probably produce blooms before the end of the summer if transplanted soon after the swap.

It is best to transplant the seedlings to a larger pot to start with.  It is also best to gradually increase the size of the pot or plant directly into the ground.

All of the plants listed below produce seeds that can be planted the following year.  You can use the seeds or seedlings as gifts or use them to barter for more plants and plant related items next year.

For details about each plant see links below and pictures above.

See list below:












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