My trade list I won’t be bringing all of this so please ask to trade
several Crepe Myrtle 1 gallon pots I have no idea the color as they grew from seed
several Mimosa Trees
Orange Canna lilies several
tall Yellow iris
2 root beer plants bare root will dig up morning of trade
several orange crocosmia bulbs
1 or 2 elderberry plants and a few cuttings
single white datura plants
2 giant Red Turk’s cap plants
1 gallon pots
Single white althea cuttings
Coral Bean seeds
Yellow Pride of Barbados seeds
single white datura seeds
I love all plants so ask I may want to trade
plumeria plants or cuttings
Variegated plants let me know what you have
Variegated Giant turks cap
Giant white Turks cap plant or cuttings
Giant Pink Turks cap plant or cuttings
Althea plants or cuttings I don’t have
Bromeliads I don’t have
Pink or white Morning Glory trees cuttings or plants (I have purple like Donna’s picture)
Pineapple sage
Native milkweed plants any and all
lemon grass
borage plant
Sondra Zacot