David Zacot

I want to start off by saying unless my list says cuttings all the plants I am bringing are established in their pots. All have been potted 2-8 weeks. I am not trading for wilted, fresh dug plants. Some of my bulbs may not be potted and if they are they can possibly asleep due to being wrong time of the year for them to be waking up.


I wont be bringing all of these unless pre trades

Red lycoris
Pink rain lilies
White rain lilies
Rooted Purple passion vine “Incense”
Fushia 4 o’clock some have a u huge cauldex root and may not be potted if you want the larger ones
Pink 4 o’clocks seedlings and larger
White 4 o’clocks seedlings
Rooted and potted cuttings of tall purple ruellia
Trailing yellow daisy Wedelia rooted in small pots

Cuttings red cascade mini rose
Evergreen wisteria cuttings and seeds
Red salvia
Wild pointsettia
Tall yellow iris bare rhyzome
I will have a few cucamelon rooted starts for (special trades)
Alstromeria 4″pots
Small blue agave
Rooted sago pups
Mimosa trees
Elderberry trees small
Nice not sure if red or red with white amaryllis bulbs maybe 1 inch to 2 inch diameter
Hackberry tree seedlings
Jewels of Opar
Large pokeweed fresh dug or smaller ones in pots established
Fruitless pomegranate cuttings see picture in comments
Large blue Agave
Several crepe myrtles dont know color
Green wandering jew
May add more as i find things


Cuttings of double peach pink oleander
Cuttings of double yellow oleander
Cuttings little red oleander

Cuttings red cascade mini rose


Black Walnut tree

Pecan trees

Maybe 2 cucamelon rooted starts


I lost alot during all the rains and the freeze

Jewelweed plants I am very allergic to poison Ivy
Datura plants double yellow and double purple not single white
Rose of sharon plants (let me know what you have)
Panhandle cactus

Cactus that dont freeze
Variegated Jewels of opar
Anything homemade canned jelly pickles tempt me
Mickey Mouse Elephant ears
Amaryllis I don’t have lmk
Bromeliads i have queens tears
Passion vines but not purple “incense” and not incarnate
4 oclocks Broken colors plants
Different Elephant ears
Wandering Jew I don’t have trying to find the variegated white/green and the purple/silver
Gourds to make birdhouses
Red radio wagon type wagon doesn’t have to be pretty
Old wheel barrow doesn’t have to be in great shape want it for yard art

Teapots, pretty cups and saucers, windchimes that are broken i may be able to fix not the dollar ones please i have a lot of those, yard art, funny signs, wine bottle red blue pretty alcohol bottles
Bud light blue beer bottles, license plates, old metal trucks for yard art., gallon glass jars for squirrel feeders
I know there is more plants and things just cant think

Variegated plants let me know what you have

I know there is alot more i would like but cant think Tempt me 😊
