Local Groups
The Place to locate / exchange plants with others within Houston and surrounding areas. Also for plant/gardening questions for this area....especially helpful for new folks to the area, or newbie gardeners, but also discussions for the experienced.
- Local Plant Group that meets Spring and Fall at Mercer Park in Humble to swap plants.
- The Southeast Texas Plant Exchange was formed so the “Plant People” living in Southeast Texas could share their love of growing plants.
- This Group has an annual Spring Swap
- Bromeliad Society Houston
Houston-area garden clubs and horticultural societies
- Lone Star Chapter of the American Hibiscus Society
The Houston Cactus & Succulent Society
Texas Groups
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
National Groups
National Gardening Association
The American Horticultural Society
- This is a very active Nationwide Group and the purpose of this group is to provide a forum for PLANT & SEED SWAPS AND EXCHANGES by swapping and trading, no money changes hands. Trades are exchanged by mail.
- PlantFiles is the largest plant database in the world, with information and photos for 188,700 different plants!
- Plant Forum