- Few Plumeria seeds – parent blooms white with yellow center
- Rooted rosemary cuttings
- Rooted Rue cuttings
- Small pinkish passion vine
- Purple wisteria cuttings
- Pink wisteria cuttings
- Seedling from Texas Hibiscus
- Few seeds for Mexican Bird of Paradise/Pride of Barbedos
- Pieces of round cactus don’t know the name.
- I am trying to sprout some plumeria seeds
- Cuttings from purple passion vine will be trying to root
Wants? Well let’s see, I love plants!
- Yesterday today tomorrow seedling/Cutting
- Budas hand cutting
- I really, really want seedling cutting for what I call Mexican orange this plant blooms small white flowers fragrant and once it’s done blooming puts out tiny miniature orange fruit non-edible. The fruit is like maybe half inch large the leaves are round glossy thick green leaves .This plant used to be sold at Home Depot in a 2 gallon pot yrs back with the topical houseplants but has been years that they don’t carry it.