Got a Plant or Landscape Related Question?

There will be knowledgeable people with many years of experience available to answer questions.  They will gladly give you an opinion based on their knowledge and experience.

Want to know the name of that plant that has been in your yard for many years and you have never known it’s name?   Bring a picture of it in bloom and there will most likely be someone who can ID it.

One of our local Mission Bend residents, Ken Gardner, is very knowledge and has an extensive background and experience in plant and turf care and the proper treatment of plants with diseases and other issues.

If you have a plant with a problem, seal a leaf in a bag and bring it.  Ken will be happy to give you his opinion of what the problem is and suggestions on how to treat it.

A good place to have your plant questions answered is to join the Houston Plant Exchange.  Post a question and quickly you will have several responses.


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