Gloria Spacek


Night blooming Jasmine (large plant)


Cypress Vine

Variegated ginger

Cinnamon ginger

Purple salvia

Mexican Petunias

Coreopsis (small variety)

Bearded Iris (pink and purple combo)

Daylilies (various colors)

Gladiola bulbs (yellow)

Banana tree


Seeds I have

Plumeria (white with yellow center)

Yellow milk weed

Orange Milk weed

Cypress Vine Seeds

Bronze Esperanza Seeds


Non Plant Trades

2 tier wired hanging basket (used and needs repainting)

new plastic hummingbird feeder



Amaryllis bulbs

Bearded Iris tubers or sets

gladiola bulbs (other than yellow or bright pink and white speckled)

pink salvia plant

evergreen wisteria seeds or plant 


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