Oct. 2016
Have’s rooted
*Height measurements are from soil up. Pot and root ball not included in measurement.
Agave – blue, variegated, quad, funkiana, potatoum 4″ and others 6″ pots to 1 gal. and fresh dug.
Aloe – vera, bitter and other various sizes two types. 6″ pots or fresh dug.
Aspidistra – potted 1 gal. or fresh dug
Cactus – Stapelia (rat tail) flowers sm. maroon star. 4″ and 6″ and cuttings.
Opuntia – (cows tongue), tree type, prickly pear type others ask
Golden pathos – 10″ hanging basket and 4″ pots
ghost plants (succulent) similar to hens and chicks – 4″
Katie ruellia – 4″, 1 gal, or will dig clumps from ground, also cuttings both
dwarf pink and standard purple blue.
Rullia, (larger form) blue/purple 1 gal.
Pencil plant – 4″, 6″ & 1gal. also
Plumeria – 1 gal., or cuttings red, yellow and white, .
Sago palms – 1 gal. and 5 gal. sizes (also non rooted available)
Spider (air plane) plants green – 6″ pots, 10″ baskets
Yucca – 5 gal (about 3 ft.)
Cuttings – Night blooming cereus, and zig zag
Rat tail cactus
Pencil cactus
—Hanging baskets–
- Airplane plant (spider plant), green
- Golden Pothos
- Variegated philodendron (special trade only)
- Philodendron
–Plants for rooting—
- limited Plumeria red
- Airplane plant variegated margins
- Airplane plant green
- Green leaf Bougainvillea (burgundy)
- Variegated bougainvillea (pink)
- Blue Plumbago
Plant related items –
Topiary frames – sizes small to large different figures available contact.
Pre trade only list
Pictures available upon request of actual plants to interested traders.
-All the FOLLOWING are PRE TRADE ONLY, I will not be bringing them unless pretraded –
Potted plants for pretrade only—
- Plumeria 5 gal. White and yellow 5 ft.
- Plumeria 1 gal. yellow 3 ft.
- Plumeria 1 gal. yellow 2 ft
- Plumeria 5 gal. red 3 ft.
- Plumeria 5 gal. White and yellow 5 ft.
- Crape myrtle 5 gal. pink or purple 6 ft.
- Donkey tail hanging basket
- Yucca (Spanish bayonet) 5 gal. about 3 ft.
–Cuttings for pretrade only—
(state if you want hardwood) or you will probably get soft wood
- Ornamental pomegranate
- Red passion vine
- Bleeding heart vine
- Climbing rose white
- Cats claw vine
- Star jasmine
- Travelers palm
- Camellia pink Variegated
–Will dig for pretrade only—
- Creamsicle banana
Want –
Abutilon (flowering maple variegated)
Orchids and other epithetic plants
Cactus and succulents especially specimen type.
Plumeria- If you can show picture of color. I have many colors.
Any plants suitable to create bonsai
Cyperus alternifolius (umbrella plant)
Aroids of interest
Fruit trees
Aquarium plants
Native flowering
Airplane plant variegated on the inside
Most Native Cactus or succulents that will take a freeze (note I have most types of Opuntias)
I am a retired landscape contractor, designer, plant collector and gardener. I also build wire frames and topiary. I have had topiary displayed at Mercer Arboretum and was featured in at least two issues of the Houston Chronicle in the past. I have had wire frames displayed at Houston Intercontinental Airport in the past.
If you have something of interest and I don’t have it. I may be interested. Don’t be afraid to ask.
Daryl R
Please Note: If you wish to trade with me and claim to have a potted plant, I will pull it from the pot (if it looks questionable) to see that it is indeed rooted. I will no longer accept plants that have been newly planted as rooted plants, when they are nothing but cuttings inserted to look like potted plants. This is misleading and poor practice. I know those who like to pretend and you are only hurting yourself for future trades. Regardless of how much I may like something you have, if you were unfair in the past I will not deal with you again.
If you got something from me and feel there is a problem, let me know. I try to be fair.