Daryl R. Plant Trade List
If it’s not on here you may ask to see if I have it.
—Plants for trade potted– (I can text 2 to 3 pictures)
- Sago palm small 1 gal. and med. 5 gal.
- Katy ruellia, (smaller form) pink 4″ and 1 gal.
- Rullia, (larger form) blue/purple 1 gal.
- Avacado 4″ pot plant about 16″ – 18″
—Hanging baskets–
- Airplane plant (spider plant), green
- Airplane plant, variegated marginata
- Golden Pothos
- Variegated philodendron (special trade only)
–Plants for rooting—
- limited Plumeria red (these may already be rooted by trade time)
- Yucca very large 3 ft. or more, several available
- Airplane plant variegated on the inside
- Airplane plant variegated margins
- Airplane plant green
- Sago palm
- Green leaf Bougainvillea (burgundy)
- Variegated bougainvillea (pink)
- Blue Plumbago
I do have some seeds if I can round them up. Some plants not listed may be brought.
-All the FOLLOWING are PRE TRADE ONLY, I will not be bringing them unless pretraded–
–potted plants will bring for pretrade only–
- Red tip photinia 5 gal.
- Cleyera japonica 5 gal.
- Aloe vera 1 gal.
- Bitter aloe 1 gal.
- Yucca aloifolia variegata 2.5 gal.
- Blue agave 1 – 5 gal.
- Agave potatoum 4″ –
–Will dig for pretrade only—
- Creamsicle banana
- Opuntia cactus (several kinds)
- large bitter aloe
- large aloe vera
- Agave Americana variegated
- Agave potatorum
—Cuttings for pretrade only—
(state if you want hardwood) or you will probably get soft wood
- Ornamental pomegranate
- Red passion vine
- Bleeding heart vine
- Knockout roses red
- Climbing rose white
- Cats claw vine
- Star jasmine
- Fig ivy
- Camellia pink Variegated
I am looking for any size hanging baskets, terrarium or low lightplants, anything that can be bonsai & specialities
Daryl R. go3pets@sbcglobal.net