Here’s my list of plants available for pre-swap.
- Red Mulberry – the trees are done with fruiting and are ready for cuttings. Cuttings? The perfect way to GROW an exact copy of this fast growing tree. If you’ve never done cuttings, no problem … I’ll show you how.
- Mulberry trees come Red, Black and White. Red is a native tree and IMHO the sweetest. Reds can grow TEN FEET per year. Berries are wonderful and versatile. Can make tea from the leaves. Only the female fruits.
All of my trees are female (they’ve all fruited). My trees were grown from cuttings in Louisiana.
FYI only – Red is native. White and Black were introduced. The White is the one eaten by silk worms in China and is terribly invasive and crossbreeds like crazy. Berries aren’t so good. Black is okay but not as sweet as Red. There’s a BUNCH of varieties in Modus.
- Mulberry trees come Red, Black and White. Red is a native tree and IMHO the sweetest. Reds can grow TEN FEET per year. Berries are wonderful and versatile. Can make tea from the leaves. Only the female fruits.
- Blackberry – cane cuttings from our bed. Young starter canes.
- Lantana – young gold Lantana from cuttings … ready for topiary training or planting.
- Fig – a few “hard to find” figs like Panache, Violet de Bordeaux, Tiger, Champagne, and others. Very healthy from cuttings.
- Honeysuckle – mature and ready for cuttings.
- Star Jasmine – mature and ready for cuttings.
- Hawaiian Woodrose – a few seeds
NOTES for cuttings (what you need):
- Best started in clear plastic containers with drainage; I have some extra.
- Root hormone (really helps but not required)
- Some potting mix (gallon or two; take remainder home).
- Cuttings only take an hour or so.
- I’m available pretty much anytime every day.
Want list.
- Lantana – any other than Gold (solid yellow).
- Something interesting! I love plants.
Cliff –