cinderella <
I am not bringing all of these so please ask. All of my plants are well established unless stated and want the same in return, Please.
- Solid Yellow Pride of Barbados
- Fuschia and/or light Pink Four O’clocks White Four o’clocks
- Mimosa trees small but they have been in pots about 2 years plants Jewels of Opara
- Tall Yellow Flag Iris
- 2-Small Sago palms
- very well rooted
- Blue Agave pups
- Red Salvia plants
- Several Crepe Myrtle small trees Probably lavender but did have a white one come up from seeds off my neighbors tree.
- elephant ears gets big not huge small green leaves
- Wandering Jew
- 3 pots purple spiderwart
- I have several potatoes from ornamental Air Potato vine
- solid green Airplane plants well established
- Wedelia yellow trailing daisy
- 4-Alstromeria (Parrot Lilly) established in pots Bulbs
- several Huge white Spider Lily bulbs,
- several Huge Ellen Bosanquet Huge bulbs
- 8-Milk and Wine Crinum bulbs in pots well established
- Lots of White rain lily
- Bulbs
- Alstromeria (Parrot Lily) roots Cuttings Double yellow (Alstroemeria is bare roots not in pots)
- Oleander
- Double peach/Pink Oleander Single Red
- Oleander red shrimp plant
- Tall Purple Ruellia
- Confederate Rose
- Wants
- Banana magnolia
- any milkweed
- Variegated leaf Hibiscus
- rooted please Iris I don’t have and I don’t have many
- Daylilies I have yellow
- Ground Orchids
- Nuns Orchid
- Giant Turks cap white
- White and pink Lycoris bulbs
- Byzantine Gladiola bulbs
- Giant Turks cap variegated
- Salmon Four O’clocks roots or plants Broken Colors Four O’clock roots or plant Red Four O’clocks
- Plumeria Variegated Jewel of Opar Variegated
- crinum lily white and green leaf and also yellow and green leaf Variegated
- Beautyberry
- Variegated wandering Jew
- Variegated Plants I might like what you have
- Rose of Sharon Doubles Cuttings are ok
- Heavy plastic trays like these milk crates if you click on link then scroll down you will see a picture of the different kinds I am looking for
- Bags of pine Needles
- Rabbit Poo
- Yard Art
- Wooden step ladders
- LMK what you have, I am open