I have 4 large Aloes and several small Aloe plants My Aloe’s bloom in the Spring and put off a tall yellow spike. If the winter is cold they sometimes put off double spikes in the Spring. The Mexican Petunia’s make a beautiful low border and are easily divided. They withstood our drought last year and bloomed profusely. The Spider Lilies do very well also and love full sun and lots of water.
I’m very interested in butterfly and hummingbird gardening and continue to add both host and nectar plants to my collection. Would love to meet other gardeners with similar interest so I can get some good tips on what plants do best in our neighborhood for a small garden.
If you are interested in doing a pre-trade please contact me at clraig@comcast.net . Thanks for taking time to view my information.
Plants to Trade
Pin Oak Tree seedlings
Mature Pink Lantana bush – 3 yrs old
Large Aloe Vera plants – blooms yellow flowers in spring – 2′ h x2′ w
Louisiana Iris plants – yellow
Dwarf Mexican Petunia – pink – excellent border plants
SPIDER LILY Hymenocallis occidentalis – white flowers – blooms in June – 2′ h x 2′ w
Native Red Salvia Coccinea
Seeds to Trade
Mixed Larkspur – pink, purple, lavender, white
Marigolds – blends of orange, red & yellow – 2′-3′ h x 2′ w
Plants Wanted
Four O’Clock tubers
Torenia – any color
Calibrachoas – any color
Bee Balm
Joe Pye Weed
Queen Anne’s Lace
Lemon Tree
Sweet Olive Tree
Mamoth Dill Seed
Four O’Clock seeds
Happy Gardening! Hope to meet you at the swap.
Photos Added (New)
Aloe Vera – perennial
- Plant in full sun to partly sunny location with good drainage
- Drought tolerant once roots are established
- Protect from hard freezes. Can withstand short periods of freezing temperatures.
- Stands 24″ tall x 18″ wide
- Blooms in Spring – Normally has 1-2 spikes of yellow blooms
- Propagate by removing pups from base of plant
- Attracts swallow tail butterflies and hummingbirds
Red Salvia – annual
- Plant in full sun to partly sunny location
- Drought tolerant once roots are established
- Blooms early Spring until 1st frost
- Stands 12-48″ tall x 12″ wide (prune to desired height
- Self seeds freely
- Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds
Lantana – perennial
- Plant in full sun for best blooms. Tolerates shade but blooms less.
- Drought tolerant once roots are established
- Blooms early Spring until 1st frost
- Stands 3-5′ tall x 2-3′ wide (prune to desired height and width)
- Propagate by seeds or cuttings
- Attracts butterflies
Pin Oak Tree – Hardwood
- Plant in full sun for best growth.
- Drought tolerant once roots are established
- Slow to drop leaves in the fall. Leaves turn reddish in late fall to early winter
- This tree was raised from a seed and is about 15 years old. It is about 35-40′
tall and has a spread of about 25′ wide. It began producing acorns after 12
years. |
Pink Dwarf Mexican Petunia – perennial
- Plant in full sun for best blooms. Tolerates shade but blooms less.
- Drought tolerant once roots are established
- Blooms early Spring until 1st frost
- Stands 12-15″ tall x 10-12″ wide (prune to desired height and width)
- Propagate by seeds or divisions. Divisions root very quickly.
- Trim plants to 4″ above ground level in early Spring for best shape.
- Plants tend to become leggy if they are not pruned hard in late winter.
- I usually prune them in Late Feb to Mid March
Louisiana Iris – perennial
- Plant in full sun for best blooms. Tolerates shade but blooms less.
- Drought tolerant once roots are established
- Blooms early Spring (March)
- Stands 4′ tall x 1′ wide
- Propagate by dividing clumps
White Spider Lily – perennial
- Plant in full sun for best blooms. Tolerates shade but blooms less.
- Prefers moist soil or frequent watering which will reward you with an
Abundance of beautiful blooms.
- Blooms in Summer (June-July)
- Stands2-4′ tall x 2′ wide
- Propagate by dividing bulbs