I am bringing:
- 1 -2 Elephant ears
- Red Flaming Katy Kalanchoe
- Arrowhead Vine
- Inch plant
- Moses in the Cradle
- Snake plant
- Pencil cactus
- Christmas cactus
- Orchid cactus – White
- Lavender Scallops – Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi
- Blue Century Plant – Agave
- Dwarf Century Agave Pups
- Variegated Dwarf Century Agave Pups 1-2
- Callisia fragrans – Chain or Inch Plant
- Angel wing begonia (special swaps) 1-2
- Dragon Wing Begonia – Red
- Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine Starts
- Crocosmia lucifer – (not a bunch)
- 1 Orange Esperanza
- Aloe cilaris hybrid
And of course I am sure that I will find more stuff to bring!
I would LOVE some:
- Bromeliads
- Gingers
- Aloes (unusual types)
- Kalanchoe Flap Jack or Paddle Plant
- Begonias – Rex or Angel wing
- Cannas (not orange)
- Salvia/Sage
- Thornless Cactus
- Carnivorous plants
- Lillies
- Kalanchoes (not the usual Christmas ones though)
- Succulents
- Philodendren – split leafs, the big ones I see everywhere or other cool ones!
I would also love some compost, earthworm castings or tea made from either! =)
Contact Bree at breestillwellcraft@yahoo.com