Hibiscus Sabdariffa (Roselle, Florida cranberry, Indian sorrel, Jamaican sorrel) – seeds & seed pods w seeds (beautiful, leaves & calyxes are edible, will die back in December in West Houston and won’t come back)
Hibiscus Acetosella (Red Shield, Red-Leaf Hibiscus, False Roselle, African Rose Mallow) – seed pods w seeds (beautiful, leaves are edible, will die back almost to the ground in December or January and will come back from its base)
Lime Basil seedlings
Basil Seedlings
Purple Basil Seedings
Mint (spearmint?) cuttings with roots
LSU Purple fig cuttings, starting to root (root easily)
Banana pup, at least 1 year old, survival after removing from clump not guaranteed, only for significant pre-arranged trade
Papaya tree seedlings, various sizes
Sedum, various trailing types
Portulaca/Moss Rose
Baby Sun Rose
Other succulents
Shrimp Plant
Lilies (low-maintenance type)/Cannas
Irises (low-maintenance type)
Rose – ground-cover type
Cone flower/Echinacea
Hummingbird Sage, Texas Sage, Scarlet Sage (Salvia coccinea)
Black-eyed Susan
Climbing flowering vine for shade, late dappled western sun (I forgot what Noreen told me – pink jasmine?)
Possumhaw Holly
Mexican plum
Hawthorn (Mayhaw)
Texas redbud
Texas olive
Rusty blackhaw viburnum
Fruiting plants
Any pretty natives/hummingbird plants/insectary plants
Blue Daze or similar
Silver Feather Grass or similar
Chinese Pink, Rainbow Pink (Dianthus chinensis L.) or similar
Lantana – trailing/weeping type
Cilantro that will grow in Houston
Sorrel (vegetable) seeds