The Goal and Mission of the Greater Mission Bend Area Council is to provide a voice for the citizens of the Greater Mission Bend area to present and address our common issues.
Currently the GMBAC represents approximately 50% of the approximately 65,000 residents living in the Greater Mission Bend Area.

Orchid Cactus Story
By Donna Kinerd
In September 2008, just before Hurricane Ike hit, it was loaded with buds and some of the leaves were 4 feet long. The leaves must have been flapping in the 100 mph winds. Even though there was no way to fully protect it because it was so large (4 feet tall by 4 feet wide), the storm did not severely damage it. Two days after the storm, it bloomed! But, it wasn’t so lucky during the severe winters of 2009 and 2010. It froze to the ground.